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    Thursday, November 20, 2008

    Pushing Up Daisies

    I weep this evening to news that PUSHING DAISIES has been given the old heave ho. It will make a nice more full boxed set like WONDERFALLS. I shall be watching the 2.06 episode tonight, knowing that I only have seven more to go. I shake my fist at the powers that be at ABC and wonder why they can't allow one show with low ratings to be kept. This used to be how networks defined themselves, keeping a low rated but brilliant show on the air for prestige purposes. I guess they don't need that any more. They're all old men now, tottering about, pissing themselves, in the asylum and complaining about how cable stole their swisher sweet. The good news I guess is that Bryan Fuller will be returning to LOST. I've lost so much tonight, and gained so little. On a positive TV to comics note, although it stilll doesn't feel right.

    "Bryan Fuller tells me, "[ABC president] Steve McPherson called me, and said 'We gave it the best shot we could.' "

    According to Fuller, the facts are these: "It's very likely that Pushing Daisies will end after episode 13, which as you know, is a cliffhanger. But we are talking to DC Comics about doing comic books that will wrap up our storylines, and I already have a pitch for a movie ready to go.

    "To be honest, I'm really not feeling very boo hoo about it. I am so proud of the show. We put together 22 really good episodes, and there is a lot to be proud of. I'm sure I'll be working with a lot of these people again, and I would love to do so."

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