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    Thursday, July 06, 2006

    Twin Peaks

    This was on the way to Blue Jay, CA. Blue Jay totally screwed my day by being at 6000 feet and not available from CR-173 as the mapping software had said. Well, maybe I could have gotten there if I had a Humvee since 173 turns into an off road rather abruptly. So, I had to circle around the mountain and come in from the other side up 18 to 186. How much do you think my car enjoyed gaining 6000 feet in only 19 miles? At least it all would have been worth it if there had been a midget in a red suit talking forwards in reverse while delivering ominous warnings. But, of course there wasn't. 48/582 completed. It's a little slower than hoped, but all it has to do is average out to about 21 a day and I should be fine.

    I'm currently watching one episode of REGENESIS each night in the two hours a day I have to myself. It's a Canadian production and the best viral hunt show ever made. It's like HOUSE, but with a weekly almost pandemic and sub stories that string the whole thing together. Highly recommended. The second season is almost done broadcasting, but I only have the first. Hopefully someone I know will begin the arduous task of pulling season two from the aether and passing it on.



    Alan Gratz said...

    If there were no backwards-dancing midgets, was there at least some damn good pie?

    Fabricationist said...

    No time for pie I'm afraid.