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    Tuesday, March 27, 2007

    Down to the wire

    Well, only three more days of shooting, and then it’s just a harried month of “director’s cut”, “producer’s cut” and what ever cut everyone settles on. What a pain in the ass. Hopefully things will settle down once the shooting is complete and then maybe the days will be somewhat akin to normal 12-hour days, like on any other job with 12 hour days. The wrap party is on Friday, sorry, no guests allowed. Of course it’s being held a good 50 min drive from where I live so there will be as much revelry as possible without any sort of serious drinking. The last thing I need in this state is a DUI. I hope all of you, that I know, are doing well. For those of you who I don’t know that are reading this, I wish you well as well. I love saying well as well. I’m not sure why, but it tickles a small grammatical bone in my body.

    You would have loved today. The dailies had to be on set at 8:00 AM so that they could be looked at with regards to making sure the scene shot yesterday had enough coverage to be edited. If not, they had to find a way to keep the set from being struck (torn down). Of course it all went wrong. The telecine house burned us DVDs that looked like crap, so they had to be redone. It all went down hill from there. On a positive note, I was able to have both breakfast and lunch from catering which is more food than I generally eat in three days, let alone one. Luckily I’ve held onto the fat pants I was wearing when I first arrived here 30 lbs. ago.

    Speaking of first arriving here, Sunday is my one year anniversary in CA. It’s also Kevin Kerwin’s birthday. We’re both fools in our own ways, so the joke’s on you.

    1 comment:

    Fabricationist said...

    Not that I know of. Then again it's hard to say what sort of masochist would continue reading this dribble.