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    Saturday, December 31, 2005


    Well, here it is, the last day of the year. You’d think I’d have something to say about it, but I don’t really. It’s just another day, another marker we ping as we ride the bone yard trolley on the way to our final sleep. Many things changed this year and hopefully many more will next year as well. Next year should be the year of self-actualization without the new age music. It should be the year we all do something for ourselves. The year that makes each of us figure out exactly what it is we really want, and do our best to take it. It should be the year of frightful introspection and even more frightening adjustment. Tomorrow we should wake and walk from our homes resolute in changing everything in our lives that sucks. This is the year 2006; the year the sucking stops. Ok, so now there’s no more sucking. It isn’t quite how I imagined it, but I guess it’ll do. Damn this post sucks. I'll try and do better tomorrow.

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