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    Sunday, November 13, 2005

    Nimble Mao

    The Squirrels have sent an operative to do a Mission Impossible on the bird feeder. It must have been trained in China for it is nimble and acrobat like. What they do not know is that I have mixed radioactive sunflower seeds into the mix so that I can track them. I’m starting to think that they are big enough to eat should I capture one. Either that or they might make nice pets, or even friends. I am lonely. There are many of them and only one of me. I wonder how they would feel if there was many of me, and only one of them. I bet they would be lonely too. I have named this one Nimble Mao. For he is both nimble and a Maoist. I feel the "Squirrel's War" coming. These are peasants, though oddly large and well fed, squirrels and I am afraid that the believe me to be the bourgeoisie.

    1 comment:

    Fabricationist said...

    Nimble Mao is simply the first to be named. There are, I believe, squirrels of greater social bearing. I must be careful rewarding any squirrel too soon. It is a delicate balance the manipulation of small furry mammals. However, as it gets colder, the cashmere scarf idea may works it way to the top with regards to feasibility.